Home Events The First Men in Ireland

The First Men in Ireland

In late October, Jack Donovan joined some European members of The Order of Fire’s First Men to visit the megalithic passage tombs at the ancient Brú na Bóinne ritual complex — a UNESCO World Heritage site in Ireland.

Many of these monuments are over 5,000 years old and contain evidence of use by several different cultures over the millennia since. The site at Knowth was more beautiful and less “reinterpreted” in its design, but we were able to enter the tomb at Newgrange, where light from the rising sun flows all the way to the end of the passage on winter solstice. Visiting this prehistoric ritual site with a solar orientation was the perfect overture to our afternoon hike out into the Irish backcountry, past crumbling estates, moss-covered rock walls, foaming Guinness-colored creeks, and fields of deer and livestock.

After setting up camp, The Order performed a brief fire ritual in the Irish weather and conducted our Holy Round.

Our visit to the monuments was a reminder that nothing is permanent, and meaning can be lost, but it is up to men of every generation to bring Order to Chaos and shine a light that — even for a moment, drives darkness to a distance.

Stay Solar ऋत

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