Tasmania 2024
In early December 2024, the Australian members of The First Men and an allied tribe The Iron Strikers gathered in Tasmania for a Fire Ritual. This video includes interviews with

Fall 2024 Joshua Tree Shooting Event
In October 2024, a group of the First Men known to some as “The Solar Bastards” spent two days in a desert wasteland just outside of Joshua Tree, CA to

Fall 2024 South Carolina Event
Members of The Order of Fire’s First Men group traveled to a beautiful farm in South Carolina for a Lord of the Earth-themed event. The Lord of the Earth perpetuates

Summer Solstice Poetry Contest 2024
“Under The Glory” and “Revive” were the winners of the First Men’s most recent internal poetry contest. The theme was “Summer Solstice.”

Spring Equinox 2024
This past March, a group of about 15 members of the Order of Fire met on a Thursday in Phoenix, Arizona, for our annual Spring Equinox event. Several members flew

Winter Solstice with The First Men in Georgia
In December 2023, Jack Donovan traveled to Georgia (USA) to perform a fire ritual recognizing Winter Solstice and celebrating the concept of Sol Invictus — The Unconquerable Sun. This was

The First Men in Ireland
In late October, Jack Donovan joined some European members of The Order of Fire’s First Men to visit the megalithic passage tombs at the ancient Brú na Bóinne ritual complex

Fall Equinox 2023 – Nevada
The Order of Fire Autumn Equinox event of 2023 was our first large-scale event and provided an opportunity for members from around the U.S. to meet in person for the

Invocation of the Storm
Jack Donovan told a mythic story about The Father calling down the gods of the storm — his Strikers — to drive back the darkness and nihilism of the Dragon,